I'm NOT receiving notifications on my Android device.

1. Firstly make sure that you have NOT turned off your notification settings

Android devices automatically allow push notifications. You may have turned these off at some point. 

  • Go to Setting.
  • Click on Notifications.
  • Scroll down and find SCHOOP. Click on it.
  • Make sure you have allowed notifications. 

 If notifications are already on, try 2 below.

2. Renew your subscription.

  • Go to the settings tab at the bottom right of the screen.
  • Renew your subscription.


If none of the above work please get in touch with our support team.

  • You will need your Schoop ID and you will need your device ID.
  • This can be found in the same settings tab as above. Then click "About"
  • Please use the link below to get in touch.


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