Hmm ... help you I can!
FAQ's for iPhone & iPad users
FAQ for iPhone and iPad subscribers
FAQ's for Android Users
FAQ for Android subscribers
- App closing down when I click on the school name.
- Are you GDPR Compliant?
- Can I add another school to the Schoop APP?
- How can I find the school's Schoop ID?
- How do I change my Groups/Years on my Android?
- How Do I delete my messages from Schoop on my Android Device?
FAQ's for Email Subscribers
You can sign up by email. FAQ here
FAQ's for Staffroom
FAQ for administrators using Schoop
- A subscriber is having a problem with Schoop
- Are you GDPR Compliant?
- Asking parents to change their children's year groups on Schoop?
- Can I connect my Schoop to twitter?
- Changing the name of my groups?
- How do I create a scheduled alert?