Can I connect my Schoop to twitter?

If you use Twitter, you can Tweet when you Schoop. It’s straightforward, and each Staffroom administrator can connect their own Twitter account. This will save you having to send the same message twice. 

Click the 'connect a Twitter account' button in the Schoop alerts tab. You’ll be redirected to Twitter to authorise Schoop. You will need to enter your user name and password for Twitter.

Once you have connected your Twitter account, you can choose to Tweet when you Schoop.

Tick the 'tweet this?' box to Tweet the Schoop. Do note that Tweets have a maximum of 140 characters. If you go over, your Tweet will be truncated.

If you choose to support additional languages, you have the option to create multilingual content and Schoop in those languages. You can choose which languages to support in Settings.

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