Uploading a PDF or Word document into my Schoop News and Engagement articles?

If you have a word doc, we suggest you copy and paste the text directly out of the document into the news article using CTRL c to Copy and CTRL v to Paste

If there are images you will then have to add them separately.

If you have a PDF then follow the instructions below: 

  • On the top tool bar click the insert button.
  • Scroll down to the Insert PDF section, click that.
  • Then click what looks like a camera icon in the source box. (This is the search button)
  • Choose the PDF in your file library, or choose to upload your PDF from your local machine.
  • Click insert from the library.
  • Once you have done that, delete to text out of the "Text to Display" box and type in whatever you would like it to read, "click here to see....." something like that.

Because it will just show the text once it is sent, I like to pop the school logo in before the link. 

Hope that helps.

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