You can set up a new administrator by:
- Signing in to Staffroom
- Click on Administrators
- Add New
The rest should be easy to follow.
Schoop Permission levels:
- Editor - Can just send alerts, news and engagement, calendar events and forms. Has no access to the Subscribers and cannot move them around.
- Schoop hero - Has access to everything, including the subscribers tab, this is someone we can identify as point of contact.
- Administrator - Has access to everything, including subscribers tab.
- Super Administrator - All of the above, but also has access to the IP address.
Don't forget to click activate otherwise they will not have access.
Your staff member will receive an email asking them to create a password to gain access to the staffroom.
NB: There is a 3 day time scale to use the link from the email, so please ask your staff members to gain access to Schoop as soon as they can.
They will then have to go back to the original email from schoop and reset their password by clicking Schoop Staffroom Sign In »
Hope that helps.
Schoop Support