- To upload a picture to Schoop you must click on the News & Engagement tab at the top of the screen.
- Click add new article.
- Scroll to the bottom and you will find a text box where you can put all the information required.
- At the top of this box will be a tab saying insert.
- Once you click on this tab you will see it gives you a number of options, one option is insert/edit image.
- After you click that option it will bring up a little box to choose the image you want to insert.
- You can do this by clicking the little folder icon on the right hand side and it will bring up all the images you can insert.
- Click the image you want to add and then press the blue insert button at the bottom.
- Once you have chosen the size of the image press the blue Ok button and the image will be inserted.
- After you have done all of this fill in all of the information in the rest of the boxes and choose the groups you want it to be sent to.
- Finally press the publish now button at the top of the screen and it will be sent out.
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