How do I move/ promote parents into their new group as a multi class entry school?

Firstly make sure your groups names are correct. Follow the instructions below if you need to change them.

  • Go to dash board.
  • Go to Add/edit groups (big red button) in the middle of the screen.
  • Change any of the names that you need to by clicking on the name, you will need to save changes, confirm and save changes again.
  • Any groups you don't need just make private for now. Click on the name, tick the little box that says private.
  • Do NOT delete any groups yet as you will kick people out of Schoop


Then send a news article out to parents telling them how to change their groups.
There's a template in the news section.

1. Go to news and engagement.
2. Create a new article.
3. Don't forget to fill out all the boxes then go down to the text box.
4. In the menu bar click INSERT, scroll down to insert template.
5. Then choose the change groups template and click insert.

You could put your school logo/letter head in first if you want.

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